Biweekly Update
From Paula Lupcho, President
May 8, 2023
🌷President’s Message
The BIG news this week is that we completed another fantastic and successful Plant Sale. Kudos to our Plant Sale Committee Chairs, Kathy Clark and Lisa Borgerson. More kudos to the key players in this huge endeavor—Leslie Hauser, Volunteer Coordinator; Lisa Borgerson, inventory; Kathi Tucker, lead for Sun Perennials and essential computer jockey; Christina Clark, shrubs, vines, & trees; Joyce Eberhart & Lisa Borgerson, native plants; Kathy Clark, shade perennials; Jennifer Klammer and Janet Morlan, veggie starts. The leads on these various activities will cheerfully acknowledge the tremendous support that was given from MG volunteers to accomplish all that was done over the last year to make this amazing event happen. Thank you to everyone for the countless hours that were dedicated to the biggest event in our BCMGA calendar. We had a record number of patrons coming through our doors and we shattered our previous revenue record!
SAVE THE DATE: Next Monday, May 15, we have a special guest speaker at our May membership meeting. The speaker will be Gail Langelotto. Her topic is “Insect Sex”. Not only is this great information but it is TONS of fun. As many know, Gail will be leaving her position as Statewide Coordinator of the OSU Master Gardener Program. This may be the last time that Gail will be presenting to MGs in her current role. As a special tribute, we have invited all Oregon Master Gardeners to join us (via Zoom) to hear Gail’s presentation. I have a special appeal to BCMGA members. It would be a lovely gesture on our chapter’s part to have a large audience for this meeting. I encourage all of you to attend in person. I know it is tempting to just click onto Zoom, but please come if you can. We really would like to send Gail off with a very warm BCMGA thank you. The doors open at 6:30 p.m. and the program begins at 7:00 in the Sunset Room in the Extension building. This is the last monthly membership meeting as we take a break over the summer. Look for information about summer tours and I hope to see all of you at the BCMGA Picnic in September.
🌷 President Elect’s Message
Donations for OMGA Silent Auction - It’s time to prep BCMGAs annual donation to the Silent Auction at the Joy of Gardening Conference. This is our opportunity to support the grants and awards given by OMGA. We are looking for items that range from $25-$35 in value, such as garden tools, seeds, bird feeding supplies, knee pads, or trugs. If you have items or would like to help with gift baskets please contact We’re looking forward to hearing from you!
Trainee News & Opportunities
🌷 NEW! PLANT CLINIC at Farmers Market (Corvallis): Trainees can sign up for these plant clinics and work with the certified Master Gardener working that day. Time of clinic table is 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Available dates are:
· Sat., May 27
· Sat., Jun 24
· Wed., Jun 28
· Wed., Aug. 23
· Sat., Aug 26
· Sat., Sep.,23
· Wed., Sep 27
· Sat., Oct. 28
🌷 NEW! Committee Chair needed to coordinate a new committee—Plant Clinic: Special Events. The duties of this chair would be to solicit volunteers, organize and coordinate various plant clinics at special events in the community. This would expand our outreach efforts beyond our presence at Farmers Market. Special events could include a plant clinic table at a local garden center, at events like DaVinci Days or the Poultry Conference, or fulfil special requests from the community. Interested? Contact Paula Lupcho at
🌷 Membership Meeting: Monday, May 15. Gail Langelotto will be the speaker and her topic is “Insect Sex”. Don’t miss this one; it’s lots of fun. This will be a hybrid meeting, but we are hoping and we will have a great turn out so that we can send Gail good wishes on her new endeavor at OSU. Doors open at 6:30. Program starts at 7:00 p.m. in the Sunset Room at the Extension building. Zoom link is attached.
🌷 Summer Tour: Save the date—Wednesday, June 14. 10:00. MG Joyce Eberhart is opening her garden for people to peruse. Joyce is our “go-to” native plant resource. If you enjoyed her Gearing Up for Gardening presentation on native plants, this will be a special opportunity. It will be more of an open house rather than a guided tour. She is also arranging for participants to tour her sister’s garden next door as well as another neighbor who has an amazing veggie garden.
Volunteer Opportunities
🌷 PLANT CLINIC at Farmers Market (Corvallis): Certified Master Gardeners are needed to work during the shifts listed below. Time of clinic table is 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Contact Debbie Lauer directly by calling 541-929-7544 or texting 541-602-3138.
Available dates are:
· Sat., May 27
· Sat., Jun 24
· Wed., Jun 28
· Wed., Aug. 23
· Sat., Aug 26
· Sat., Sep.,23
· Wed., Sep 27
· Sat., Oct. 28
Mentors, if you would like to work at the plant clinic with your trainee, contact Debbie so that she can accommodate you.
🌷Community science: Contribute data to research on gardens, plants, and wildlife. Many projects are remote and on your own schedule. Report the time as “citizen science: indirect”.
🌷 Various dates – Peaceful Valley Seed in North Albany is seeking volunteer presenters for various topics including composting, spring perennials, sustainable landscaping, summer garden maintenance, summer pruning and more. Certified volunteers who are interested may contact the organizer directly: Kimberly Montgomery 541.981.2248 Report service as Instructor: Direct.
🌷 Master Gardener Desk (Office Plant Clinic): The office is open and there are questions coming in from the public. Volunteers are encouraged to return to the desk, in particular certified MGs comfortable with the pH meter and the microscope are needed. Sign up for shifts to answer client questions or practice skills. You can either work at the desk or in the Extension conference room if you’d like more space.
Find more opportunities on the Benton Volunteer Opportunities Page.
🌷 Plant Clinic at Corvallis Library: Benton County Master Gardeners will hold a pop-up plant clinic event at the Corvallis Library's Public Seed Library on Thursday May 18 from 4-7pm (arrive at 3:30 for clinic setup and orientation). These are interactive opportunities to talk about vegetable gardening: to help patrons select warm season crop seeds right for them, and answer questions about transplanting purchased seedlings and growing a vegetable garden. Two more volunteers are desired, either certified or trainee. Questions? Email project lead Jill Farrow at
Continuing Education Opportunities
🌷 Anytime. Recordings of Zoom Master Gardener training from Curry County with guest lecturers from OSU and beyond, are available for any volunteer to take as continuing education. Trainees are also welcome to watch and supplement their classes. More links are being added weekly, see the current list log on to the attached website.
🌷 Public Seed Library Lecture Series: This series of lectures will occur in March through July (Wednesdays, 6:00pm to 7:00pm) at the Corvallis Library, 645 NW Monroe Ave., Corvallis. Upcoming Lectures.
· May 10—“Weather Wise Gardening”
These lectures count toward continuing education hours and trainee Garden Labs.
· June 14—“Organic Pest Management” Rich Little. Entomologist & Home Gardener.
Seed Donations to Public Seed Library: If you've started your summer crops and have left over seeds, individual donations of open and partially used vegetable, herb, and flower commercial seed packets packed for '22 and '23 are needed now to restock the Public Seed Library seed rack, and can be donated any time at the Corvallis Library Circulation Desk.
Extension News
As we all know, Elizabeth Records, the program assistant for the Master Gardener Program in Benton and Linn Counties has taken a new position in the OSU community. She has left some important links to access information.
Have a gardening question? Get help at:.
Interested in gardening classes and events?
Want to join Master Gardeners? Contact Benton County Extension Office, 541-713-5000
Want to partner with Master Gardeners? Please contact Brooke Edmunds to get connected:
Current volunteers:
Need information about training, volunteering, or logging hours? First check the Volunteer Sourcebook and website.
Need a sign-up, promotions, or printing for an upcoming event?
First, use the Event Checklist to collect all needed information
In Benton County send to Nicole Mason Martin:
In Linn County send to Laurie Gibson:
Need to update your contact information? Need a badge?
Contact Laurie Gibson:
All other questions:
Please contact Brooke Edmunds: