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Xericape Garden

Low Water Gardening

Xeriscape means "dry scene". This garden is sunny and hot in summer and windy year-round. But these plants get watered only once or twice a month in our dry summer.

Bird Garden

Gardening to Attract Birds

 Our organization is dedicated to helping gardeners and nature enthusiasts create beautiful, thriving gardens, including what plants to include to attract birds to your garden. The plant list below is a good place to start.

Pollinator Garden

Attracting Pollinators

Pollinator numbers have declined due to habitat destruction and chemical use. Create a beautiful pollinator paradise in your home landscape.

Cottage Garden

Creating Informal Beauty

Cottage gardens use informal design, dense plantings and a wide mixture of ornamental and edible plants. They demonstrate a healthy garden ecosystem as the diversity of plant types, heights, flowering times, colors and fragrances play a role in attracting pollinators and controlling pests.

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Deer Resistant

Deer Resistant Gardening

Making an attractive garden that deer avoid requires flexibility in plant choices and some experimentation. But whether in sun or shade, a deer resistant garden can take the frustration out of co-existing with neighborhood deer.

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Children's Garden

Children's Garden

This is a garden to cultivate wonder, where all plants are safe to touch, smell, and examine. Please do! Children of all ages can learn and experience awe looking closely at something. Curiosity is fun! Watch the plants grow up each season. Look for learning engagement posts.

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