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Biweekly Update from Paula Lupcho, President February 28, 2023

🍎 President’s Message

It certainly has been interesting weather this month and hope all of your gardens came through last week’s snow and cold without damage. This may be a question we get at the plant clinics so we may want to brush up on the signs and symptoms of cold damage.

Our trainees completed the first part of Plant Problem Scenario and will start to participate in garden labs. This means that they are getting close to completing their formal training.

Therefore, we need mentors to welcome our new trainees and get them invoved in the Association. Any active Master Gardener, whether certified or not, can do it. Do you love the demo garden? Do you enjoy the teamwork and camaraderie of the plant sale? Do you value the opportunity to teach others about gardening through Seed to Supper? This is your chance to recruit new talent to your favorite project.

The best part is you don’t need to work at the help desk (unless you really want to!). Let Alan Taylor know that you want to help, and he will share information about the interests and talents of our trainees. From that, you can pick someone you want to work with. Contact Alan at 541-929-4141 or

I hope many of you have communicated with your legislative representatives asking that Extension and other statewide OSU outreach programs will be fully funded to keep these programs at the level they need to be. A bill has been introduced to the Ways and Means Committee. It is bill SB 458. Please refer to this bill when writing to you legislator. Timing is important. The Ways and Means Committee will meet in March. Judith Kenner has a new message about this in BCMGA News and has provided a great template from which you can construct a message to your legislator. There is also a link to sample letters at the bottom.

Trainee News & Opportunities

Å The following volunteer service opportunities will count toward the required 5 hours dedicated to Plant Sale propagation. Note that there are weekend dates available.

New Dates added! The Plant Sale Team will be meeting at Philomath High School, 2054 Applegate St. on the following dates. Please join us! Trainees welcome. We may be working inside the greenhouse to pot up our many native and perennial starts or outside to divide, repot, groom and label. Bring tools and dress for outside weather just in case.

Friday, March 10, 1:00-3:00 (note time change)

Saturday, March 18, 10:00-12:00

Friday, March 24, 1:00-3:00 (note time change)

In order to make sure we’ve got the help we need, please RSVP Leslie Hauser,, the days you are able to come.

Å NEW! BCMGA Veggie enthusiasts!

We are ready to start planting veggies at the Philomath High School Greenhouse for the Plant Sale (Saturday, May 6). Sessions are planned (mostly) on Tuesdays (one Thursday) 1:00 - 3:00 pm.

Please sign up for ONE session. This is a pretty popular activity, so we want to share the time.

We'll send out another reminder if needed to fill slots. Questions? Contact Jennifer Klammer, 541-602-0431

Special Announcement

Å Special Allocations 2023—BCMGA Committees

At the board’s January meeting it was decided that BCMGA would renew the Special Allocation process this spring. Special Allocations are for specific one-time projects, not on-going operational costs, and should be in accordance with the purposes established in the Articles of Association. A special Ad hoc Committee chaired by Jana Tindall will review the applications and make recommendations to the board at the April meeting. Applications must be submitted by March 31 to Jana at Please review the Policy and Procedures in 2.8 and submit applications using the form in Appendix B. BCMGA committees receiving funding may spend the funds in the current year or funds may be carried over to the following year in order to complete the project. A final report to the board is due upon project completion. Questions about the process may be directed to Jana Tindall at the email address above. (Policies and Procedures can be found at in the “Members” tab.)

Å NEW! Mason Bees Flash Sale: Master Gardener Pat Wray has a surplus of Mason Bees. He is donating 100 straws to BCMGA and we will have a flash sale. We are selling 5 straws for $25. Supply is limited. Pick up for the bees will be at Philomath High School greenhouse on Saturday, March 25 from 10:00 a.m. to noon. If you are interested in purchasing Mason bees, you can on the link below and pay by credit card.


Å Board Meeting Update: The March meeting will be in-person on Monday, March 13 from 9 to 10 a.m. It will be held in the Sunset Room at the Extension Office.

Å NEW! Wanted!! Trays for BCMGA Greenhouse Growing

· Drop off sites: Benton County Demo Garden—by yellow shed, 110 SW 53rd St., Corvallis

Giving Garden—by blue dumpster in Nw corner of parking lot, 2560 NW Highland Dr., Corvallis

Philomath High School—produce stand on west side of parking lot

2054 Applegate St., Philomath

· For a pick up: Contact, 541-602-0431

Å NEW! MGs Advocate for Funding:


· Ask your Oregon State Senator & State Representative to support OSU Statewide Public Service Programs at $206M.

· MG Program funding is part of this package.


· Dollars in the state budget to OSU provide for horticulture faculty and staff, support for MG activities such as Farmers Markets, and MG training.

· Last year 5 counties did not have faculty/staff. In addition, today the single faculty position for Metro’s three counties is vacant.


· Now! — While the legislature is writing the 2023-2025 budget.

HOW? — 3 easy steps

#1 Find your state legislator here:

#2 Write the email

· Identify who you are

· Tell them what you want them to do

· 1-2 sentences about how MGs make an impact/ your love for gardening and educating the public. Share stories about how your service makes your community a better place!

· Restate your request and thank them.

#3. Click <Send>

#4. Notify our OMGA Advocacy Ambassador: Copy Judith with you message.

For more information and sample letters, go to


House Speaker Dan Rayfield, House District 16

Senator Sara Gelser Blouin, Senate District 8


Representative David Gomberg, House District 10

Senator Dick Anderson, Senate District 5


Representative Shelly Boshart Davis, House District 15

Senator Sara Gelser Blouin, Senate District 8

Å NEW! Annual BCMGA Membership Awards: It's time to submit nominations to the Board for two of our annual BCMGA membership awards: Benton County Master Gardener of the Year, and Benton Behind the Scenes Award. Complete and send the attached nomination form to Membership Secretary Marge Alig at The Board will select awardees at its April meeting. The nomination form will be available shortly at in the Members section.

Benton County Master Gardener of the Year Award

This annual award recognizes outstanding dedication and service of an OSU Master Gardener for Benton County. The award should be based on years of service, association involvement, leadership with BCMGA, and outstanding and unusual service.

Benton County Behind the Scenes Award

This annual award recognizes an OSU Master Gardener™ who works quietly and unselfishly behind the scenes to further the OSU Master Gardener Program. This is not a person who is out in front working on projects so everyone knows their contributions. It is likely that this person is NOT a committee chair or on the Board of Directors. Rather it is a person who few may actually know the level of their contributions. Please nominate a single individual.

Volunteer Opportunities

Å A New Day for Mentoring We have a large incoming class of trainees, and they need mentors to welcome them to our Association and to help continue their training as Master Gardeners.

There are 3 options to be a mentor

· Provide a friendly face to welcome your trainee and answer general questions about duties, activities, etc. (no desk training required)

· Desk: a small group of MGs who are comfortable teaching desk procedures and working with the computer, microscope and pH meter

· Remote plant clinics: This includes Master Gardeners who have worked at Farmers Markets, special event plant clinics, and/or are familiar with Ask Extension.

You can choose any one of the three. Thank you, Alan Taylor, 541-929-4141,

Å NEW! BCMGA Veggie enthusiasts! We are ready to start planting veggies at the Philomath High School Greenhouse for the Plant Sale (Saturday, May 6). Sessions are planned (mostly) on Tuesdays (one Thursday) 1:00 - 3:00 pm

Please sign up for ONE session. This is a pretty popular activity, so we want to share the time. We'll send out another reminder if needed to fill slots. Questions? Contact Jennifer Klamer, 541-602-0431

Å NEW! Special Event Plant Clinic: Benton County Master Gardeners have been invited by Shonnard’s Garden Center to be a part of their annual Open House. Shonnard’s has been long-time supporter of Master Gardener activities. I hope that several of you will be willing to participate in a clinic table on one of these days. Please contact Paula Lupcho if you can help out ( or 541-929-3050).

Friday 4/21 - 11am to 2pm | 12pm to 3pm | 1pm to 4pm

Saturday 4/22 - 11am to 2pm | 12pm to 3pm | 1pm to 4pm

Sunday 4/23 - 11am to 2pm | 12pm to 3pm | 1pm to 4pm

Å OPPORTUNITY TO EARN VOLUNTEER HOURS! Community Garden Education Committee: For the past three years a group of Master Gardeners has maintained an educational demo garden at Calvin Community Garden growing crops that are carefully selected to be culturally appropriate for our LatinX community. Food Bank donations have averaged 500 pounds per year. With the departure of some of the Master Gardeners who helped with the Calvin Garden, we need Master Gardeners or Master Gardener Trainees who could help us to maintain those gardens by planting, weeding, watering and/or harvesting.

We share the work with a flexible schedule to accommodate times that are convenient for you including weekends. We need to know by the end of February or early March that we have a minimal crew to support this garden or we will have to discontinue our efforts. The time commitment is a few hours per week. If you speak Spanish, we can use your skills, but speaking Spanish is not a requirement.

If you are interested or would like more information, please contact Ellen Tappon,, or Lynn Trimpe,

Å Plant Sale Propagation: New Dates added! The Plant Sale Team will be meeting at Philomath High School, 2054 Applegate St. on the following dates. Please join us! Trainees welcome. We may be working inside the greenhouse to pot up our many native and perennial starts or outside to divide, repot, groom and label. Bring tools and dress for outside weather just in case.

Friday, March 3, 1:00-3:00 (note time change)

Friday, March 17, 1:00-3:00 (note time change)

Saturday, March 25, 10:00-12:00

In order to make sure we’ve got the help we need, please RSVP Leslie Hauser,, the days you are able to come.


Save the dates! Our 2023 Plant Sale at the Benton County fairgrounds will be here before we know it! Please get these dates on your calendar now for when we need everyone to help with BCMGA’s biggest fundraiser of the year. We are on track to have over 10,000 plants and will need your help!

Friday, May 5 - set up day

Saturday, May 6 - Plant Sale

Leslie Hauser (Plant Sale Volunteer Coordinator) is already working on filling some of the lead/supervisor positions. If you’ve had a lead position in the past and would like to do that job again or if you’ve had your eye on another role, please email Leslie at

Å New! Hope Grows Here: The Moore Family Center at OSU is seeking Linn and Benton County Master Gardener volunteers to serve as Garden Mentors and/or Garden Educators for the 2023 Hope Grows Here project, a gardening and nutrition education program for cancer survivors. Hours spent on both opportunities qualify for your required Master Gardener volunteer hours. Please join Candace Russo, project manager, for an informational session via Zoom on Wednesday, March 8th from 12:00 – 12:45 p.m. The session will be recorded for those who cannot attend at that time. Register for Info Session HERE.

Garden Mentors: Garden Mentors are paired with participants (either 1:1 or with a small group) and meet regularly throughout the summer gardening season (May – September). Time commitment--Minimum: 1-2 hours for training, plus ½ hour a week for 20 weeks, May – September (total = 12 hours). Optional: additional hours can be earned by attending garden gatherings a community garden sites during the summer.

Garden Educators: Garden Educators work with the Hope Grows Here study manager to develop and deliver four basic gardening classes in April. Classes will be delivered remotely or in-person, (remote classes will be recorded). Time commitment--Approximately 12 hours.

Å Community science: Contribute data to research on gardens, plants, and wildlife. Many projects are remote and on your own schedule. Report the time as “citizen science: indirect”.

Å Master Gardener Desk (Office Plant Clinic): The office is open and there are questions coming in from the public. Volunteers are encouraged to return to the desk, in particular certified MGs comfortable with the pH meter and the microscope are needed. Sign up for shifts to answer client questions or practice skills. You can either work at the desk or in the Extension conference room if you’d like more space.

Find more opportunities on the Benton Volunteer Opportunities Page.

Continuing Education Opportunities

Å Gearing Up for Gardening: The last lecture for 2023 is TODAY!!! This popular brown-bag gardening education series begins on January 3, 12:00-1:00 at the Corvallis-Benton County Public Library. Go to to view all the up-coming classes.

Å Save the date! 9th Annual BEEvent Pollinator Conference- March 4, 2023, Linn Expo Center, Albany, Oregon. “Adapting Your Garden to the Coming Changes”. This in-person conference is back after a 2 year on-line only presence. Focus on Home Gardens and Small Farms. 9:00am – 3:30pm Registration will open in February:

Å Growing Oregon Gardeners – Put it to the Test: Improving Garden Fertility with Soil Analysis, Soil Regions, and Microclimates, 12:00 – 1:00 p.m., Zoom. Learn more & RSVP:

Å NEW! Public Seed Library Lecture Series begins on Wed., March 8 from 6-7 p.m. in the Corvallis Library’s meeting room. Master Gardener Brenda Bye will be the speaker. This series of lectures will occur in March through July. The lecture series flyer is now posted at the Corvallis Library. Presentations will be made by Master Gardeners and local experts. A broad range of topics will include planning a vegetable garden, crop rotation, organic pest management, and “Weatherwise Gardening” using soil, air temperature, and precipatiation data to inform garden action timing. These lectures count toward continuing education hours.

In Other News

Spring into Gardening “Our Changing Landscape”, a one-day educational event, is on Saturday, March 18. This is organized by Yamhill County Master Gardener Association. The keynote speaker will be James Cassidy (Soil). Other speakers on the program will be well-known to you. For more information and registration, go to the Yamhill County MGA website All classes (except Topiary) count toward Continuing Education hours.

Extension News

Å Coffee chats are back for 2023! If you are a board member, committee chair, or engaged volunteer, this is a chance to visit informally with program staff (Elza). Learn more and sign-up.

Å Volunteer Reporting System updates. The statewide Master Gardener volunteer reporting system is now more secure. It also has a new look and feel. Please bookmark the new site: : When you log in, follow the steps to update your password. Tech Support is at (Trainees – please wait on making accounts until prompted – thanks!)

Å The Grow This! Oregon Garden Challenge, Oregon State University Extension’s statewide seed giveaway, returns for a fourth year in 2023 featuring a continued partnership with the Oregon Potato Commission.

Starting Feb. 6, individuals and households, schools, and groups can sign up to receive an individual/household seed kit, group kit or seed-starting teacher classroom kit through the mail.

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